ISPRS - Commission VI - Education and Communications
    ISPRS Working Group VI / 5 - Promotion of the Profession to Young People, 2008-2012
maj 25, 2012   



Our mission

The main purpose of the WG VI/5 is stimulation to scientific and research work, and promotion of the ISPRS profession to graduate, post-graduate students and young researchers. Furthermore, it presents the main link between the students from different countries and ISPRS. WG VI/5 offers support to the student coordinators of the Student Consortium, which acts within the framework of the WG VI/5. The Student Consortium presents the main student group, who share the same interest in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, and has been established in the framework of the ISPRS TC VI in 2004.

Terms of Reference

  • Promotion of advances in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences to undergraduate and postgraduate students and young researchers.

  • Promotion of international cooperation and social cohesion among the youth.

  • Creation of adequate conditions and platforms for broader and more efficient involvement of youth into ISPRS activities, including financial aspects, facilitating their ISPRS participation and activities, and support by sponsors.

  • Promotion and support of the Student Consortium (SC): The ISPRS Student Consortium (SC) acts within the ISPRS WG VI/5 and presents the main student and researcher group, who share the same interest in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences.

  • Close cooperation with the SC, advice and support in preparing activity plans, organization of summer schools and other activities defined in the ISPRS SC Statutes. Organisation of youth events, where SC has no local support and main responsibility for organising the technical programme of SC activities during Congresses. Facilitation of the continuity of the SC and provision of an interface to TC VI, Council, other ISPRS TCs and WGs and regional and international organisations, especially sister societies and ISPRS members. Cooperation, especially with the WG VI/6 : The Technology Transfer Caravan.

  • Promotion of international mobility for undergraduate and postgaduate students and young researchers, making also use of international funding capabilities, like EU research programmes, and encouragement of relevant organisations to facilitate international student exchange and training programs at various levels.

Technical Commission Officers

 Chair  Co-Chair  Secretary
Emmanuel Baltsavias  
Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 15
ETH Zuerich
CH-8093 Zurich

Tel: +41-44- 633 30 42
Fax: +41-44- 633 11 01

Nguyen Dinh Duong   
Department of Environmental Information Study and Analysis
Institute of Geography
VAST 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Rd.
Cau Giay, Hanoi

Tel: +84-4-7562417
Fax: +84-4-8361192
Anka Lisec
University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Jamova 2

Tel: +386 (0)1 4768 560
Fax: +386 (0)1 4250 704

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