/* * File: _coder_Select_Ground_Motions_mex.c * * MATLAB Coder version : 2.8 * C/C++ source code generated on : 08-Nov-2016 04:31:59 */ /* Include Files */ #include "_coder_Select_Ground_Motions_api.h" #include "_coder_Select_Ground_Motions_mex.h" /* Function Declarations */ static void c_Select_Ground_Motions_mexFunc(int32_T nlhs, mxArray *plhs[18], int32_T nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[20]); /* Function Definitions */ /* * Arguments : int32_T nlhs * const mxArray *plhs[18] * int32_T nrhs * const mxArray *prhs[20] * Return Type : void */ static void c_Select_Ground_Motions_mexFunc(int32_T nlhs, mxArray *plhs[18], int32_T nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[20]) { int32_T n; const mxArray *inputs[20]; const mxArray *outputs[18]; int32_T b_nlhs; emlrtStack st = { NULL, NULL, NULL }; st.tls = emlrtRootTLSGlobal; /* Check for proper number of arguments. */ if (nrhs != 20) { emlrtErrMsgIdAndTxt(&st, "EMLRT:runTime:WrongNumberOfInputs", 5, 12, 20, 4, 21, "Select_Ground_Motions"); } if (nlhs > 18) { emlrtErrMsgIdAndTxt(&st, "EMLRT:runTime:TooManyOutputArguments", 3, 4, 21, "Select_Ground_Motions"); } /* Temporary copy for mex inputs. */ for (n = 0; n < nrhs; n++) { inputs[n] = prhs[n]; } /* Call the function. */ Select_Ground_Motions_api(inputs, outputs); /* Copy over outputs to the caller. */ if (nlhs < 1) { b_nlhs = 1; } else { b_nlhs = nlhs; } emlrtReturnArrays(b_nlhs, plhs, outputs); /* Module termination. */ Select_Ground_Motions_terminate(); } /* * Arguments : int32_T nlhs * const mxArray * const plhs[] * int32_T nrhs * const mxArray * const prhs[] * Return Type : void */ void mexFunction(int32_T nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int32_T nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { /* Initialize the memory manager. */ mexAtExit(Select_Ground_Motions_atexit); /* Module initialization. */ Select_Ground_Motions_initialize(); /* Dispatch the entry-point. */ c_Select_Ground_Motions_mexFunc(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs); } /* * File trailer for _coder_Select_Ground_Motions_mex.c * * [EOF] */